“My core philosophy is centered on the belief that real health and vitality can can be achieved through a customized approach to nutrition – an approach where individual needs are considered.  I help my clients identify the right nutritional protocol for their bodies to restore balance and well-being.”


What is Nutritional Therapy?

Customized Holistic Nutrition

Each appointment includes an extensive health assessment that evaluates current health status and health history, a specialty Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ), and a food journal. These intake documents help me evaluate your concerns and determine a good starting place.

Bloodwork review

Bloodwork review through a functional lens looks to flag markers not within the optimal range. This serves as an additional and invaluable tool that allows me to navigate your health concerns and symptoms in the most accurate way.

Individualized Supplementation

Each client is unique, and so is each protocol! All of my recommendations are highly individualized, including supplementation. My thorough nutritional anaylsis paired with lab testing helps me identify the best therapeutic foods, nutrients, and supplements to utilize to address your needs.

Additional testing

Specialty testing like bioresonance scans, organic acid tests, hormone tests, micronutrient tests, and more can be ordered as needed. These may provide additional insight for complex cases.

How it works

Schedule a Free call

Meet with me for a free 20 minute phone conversation. Ask questions about what it’s like to work with an NTP, how I can help you, or anything else you’d like.


Book your appointment

Choose from the list below or discuss your options with me during our discovery call to determine which appointment best suits your needs. Click the “Book Now” button below to send me a request.

Follow Up

As we make progress on our health goals, our bodies and our nutritional needs will change. Schedule a follow up to continue your progress toward a happier, healthier you!

Free Discovery Call

Meet with me for a free 20 minute phone conversation. We’ll briefly discuss your health concerns, the process of nutritional therapy, and any other questions you might have.

90 Minute Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment – $189

Complete your intake paperwork and lab orders, and we’ll meet for your first appointment. We’ll review your health history, lab workup, the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) findings, food journal, and more. I’ll make individualized recommendations complete with therapeutic foods and nutrients to include, as well as a unique supplementation protocol that utilizes practitioner grade products. This specialized appointment allows me to take an in-depth look at bothersome symptoms and address contributing causes. This is also the appointment to select for individualized preconception, pregnancy, and/or postpartum insight and recommendations.

60 Minute Follow Up Consultation – $129

Track your progress as we move towards your wellness goals! We’ll review comparative symptom graphs, a new Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ), a new food journal, and lab work as needed. We’ll also discuss any new or remaining concerns or goals you might have. I’ll create a customized and updated protocol with additional resources. As you progress, your needs will change; your recommendations will evolve to support you along the way. This appointment is suitable for current clients as well as those working with me for preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum support.

30 Minute Dietary Review – $59

Dietary reviews take about 30 minutes to complete. You’ll complete a food and feeling log that we review together when we meet, and I’ll make consice, easy to follow recommendations based on dietary changes that will direct and support you in your health goals.

 Have questions or want to connect?