Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. My passion is working one-on-one with clients, using food as medicine, to facilitate the health, healing, and freedom they’ve been longing for.

A bit about my personal journey…


If you had told me several years ago my life’s purpose and path would center around health and healing, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. At only 26 I found myself experiencing vague symptoms that no doctor could find an answer to. The process left me feeling exhausted and empty – and I hadn’t felt like myself in years. I didn’t understand what was causing my health issues, why they were manifesting, or if they would ever get better. I felt out of control in my own body and was without answers. Despite all this, my desire and hope for a more fulfilling, happy, and involved life wouldn’t dissipate. I believed in my heart there was more for me.

At the time, I had no idea the majority of my symptoms stemmed from a combination of imbalances in my body that lead to the perfect storm. In short – my body was over burdened – stress, poor digestion, imbalanced blood sugar, adrenal fatigue, hormonal disruption, chronic infections, and environmental toxic exposure all contributed to the daily malaise I was experiencing. All of this seemed to drown out the adventurous, inspired woman I had knew myself to be – and I wanted answers.

Luckily I met somebody who was an FNTP and started working with them right away. I started noticing changes for the better after about three months. About a year into healing my journey, as I was seeing various practitioners, things began working again and coming back into balance. I felt better than I had in years! I had no idea the enormous impact food and nutrition would have in my life until I witnessed first hand the wellbeing and stability it created for me, and I finally began to feel like myself again.

Mahatma Ghandi is quoted as saying, “health is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold or silver” – and boy, I couldn’t agree more. I have learned that good health allows us to live our lives unencumbered – lives that are full and vibrant and involved and brave. We can do more when we feel good in our bodies; we can help more people, be more present in our closest relationships, chase down our deepest dreams and desires. Health allows us freedom – the freedom to fully experience ourselves in this life and live it to the fullest.

Though the journey has been long and difficult, I’m so grateful to say I’ve come out on the other side. I kept searching for answers, kept hoping for more. With the help of nutritional therapy, I’m finally feeling like myself again, all the while chasing down dreams as I continue to grow and evolve! And what’s even more special is that now I’m a mama to one sweet and special little girl.

If this resonates with you or perhaps you can relate – you’ve come to the right place. I would be so honored to work with you to help you find answers and recover your health so you can get back to feeling like yourself and living life more fully. It is said, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Are you ready to start your journey to more health and freedom? I’d encourage you to take that first step. Let’s begin!

Education, Certifications, and Credentials

Certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), NTA, 2018

Functional Blood Chemistry with Emily Morrow, 2022

Feed Your Body, Grow Your Family™  – preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum nutrition, 2020

Bachelor of Arts, Texas A&M University, Magna Cum Laude, 2011

Texas A&M University Certificate in Diversity, 2011

Strala Yoga Guide: 200+ hour RYT, 2015



“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

– Mahatma Gandhi