My Favorite Sick Season Supports
Although the days are getting just a bit longer and spring is around the corner, the sick season isn’t quite over yet. For most of us, there are still plenty of those colder, darker winter days ahead, which mean less sunlight, less vitamin D, less movement, and less fresh air. During this season we all tend to spend more time indoors in closer quarters, which can ultimately lead to more sickness.
This is exactly why I’ve put together a list of my favorite natural immune supports for you and your family. Now, I know this list is LONG, but it’s meant to be comprehensive and give you choices. I don’t use all of these at once, I use them for a short duration, and of course we have accumulated them over time.
Please also know – appropriate and safe dosing is always dependent on factors like weight, age, current medications, and immune balance and or challenges. None of these products are meant to be taken as a multivitamin or supplement, or in extremely high doses; they are for only for an acute illness only. Below, I have included some examples of what works for our family – but because I don’t know the specifics of yours, I can’t give specific dosing advice here. Be sure to research appropriate dosing prior to administration, and always consult with your medical providers and practitioners.
I have linked a majority of these products in my online dispensary linked below. If you have any questions about what to choose or prioritize – simply hit the write me via my contact page and get in touch; I’m happy to help where I can. Now, let’s dive in!
1. Supreme Nutrition Grass Fed Sheep Thymus: a gentle support for all seasons (sick or allergy season); supports all around immune health and thymus health; potentially a good option for those with immune imbalances or challenges, as it is not an immunostimulant. Thymus contains various hormones and peptides that help to modulate and normalize immune function – so it is an all around great support that can generally be used safely, for a longer duration of time.
2. Supreme Nutrition Acerola for Kids: richest source of whole food vitamin C, highly bioavailable, gentle + safe support for overall immune health.
3. Supreme Nutrition Camu Camu: potent source of whole food vitamin C, gentle + safe immune support for viruses, helps balance histamine production in allergic reactions.
4. Supreme Nutrition Olive leaf or any herbal tincture: has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties; may stop viral replication – good support for colds; very high antioxidant capacity. Proceed with caution if you have thyroid imbalances, as it may increase thyroid hormone uptake. Do not take if you are on medications for blood sugar, hypertension, or blood thinners. Do not take it if you are pregnant or nursing.
5. Reishi Supreme: both an immunomodulator and adaptogen, so good support for those with endocrine imbalances or fatigue, or immune challenges; has antiviral + antifungal properties; very supportive and protective of the liver and kidneys; helps stabilize mast cells and can be useful for things like allergies, MCAS, allergic dermatitis, etc. May also support blood sugar balance.
6. Enzymedica MucoStop: specific enzyme blend meant to help dissolve excess mucous. This, along side warm steamy baths or nebulizing with saline solution can be ease congestion. For something like this, Aila will only get a sprinkle.
7. Beekeeper’s Naturals Immune & Throat Spray (adults & kids): bee propolis is a natural source of b vitamins, vitamin c, antioxidants, zinc, iron, and other beneficial compounds – a wonderful and generally safe + gentle immune support. If you have a bee allergy do not use, and if you’re new to bee products, start very slowly. May be an issue for some with pollen allergies.
8. Biotics Bio-D-Mulsion: vitamin d helps regulate the maturation and activation of immune cells, and plays a role in the production of antimicrobial peptides – hence, reduced risk of infections. Low dose vitamin D intended only for a boost and for a short duration, especially during the winter months, and may help modulate/support the immune system. Everyone synthesizes vitamin D differently, so looking at labs and corresponding markers + symptoms (magnesium, vitamin A) is important. The amount in this supplement can be safe (from 1 to several drops) for everyone in our family. Food based vitamin D sources include eggs, meats, dairy, and cod liver oil (listed below).
9. Genestra Liquid Iodine: iodine is both wonderfully supportive of thyroid hormone production, and is also naturally antiviral; I like this support because it’s lower dose and you can titrate up based on your individual needs. Please do not use without practicioner support if you have a history of hyperthyroidism or graves. Seaweed and kelp flakes are also great food sources of iodine.
10. Supreme Astragalus Root or any astragalus tincture (adults): broadspectrum immune support (antibacterial + antiviral properties), supports both liver and endocrine health; we will rotate between astragalus and echinacea (below). Astragalus is an immunostimulant, meaning it activates the immune system, so avoid if you have an autoimmune condition, are on immunosuppressive drugs, or are are pregnant or nursing. May also be stimulating to the adrenals, so avoid taking in the evening or at night.
11. Supreme Elderberry tincture or any elderberry tincture/syrup: generally regarded as safe + gentle immune support, with particular emphasis on viral illness; contains quercetin which helps stabilize mast cells, which may be useful in allergic type responses; acts as an immune stimulant but not in the same way as astragalus or echinacea.
12. Echinacea: supports healthy function of the immune system – best used at the first sign of a cough/cold, rather than the later stages; can help with sore throat and cough; echinacea activates the immune system, so avoid or proceed with caution if you have an autoimmune condition, are on immunosuppressing drugs, or are pregnant or nursing.
13. Smidge Oysterzinc: natural whole food source of zinc – the highest you can get in a food. I prefer employing the use of whole foods as opposed to isolating nutrients where possible, as taking individual minerals can throw off mineral balance. May be an issue for those with hyperthyroidism or graves, or shellfish allergies,
14. Natural Hope Garlic Salve: an additional potent antimicrobial, antiviral support. I love to rub this on the bottoms of our feet at night and cover with socks.
15. Earthley Herbal Detox Bath: helps to promote lymphatic drainage, soothe stress, and promote sleep; great addition to a steamy bath when congested (affiliated with this product).
16. Earthley Cough B Gone (adults & kids) or a simple mullein tincture: my favorite support for sore throats and coughs, especially at night; contains mullein, which has expectorant properties and is soothing to the respiratory system, specifically the lungs and airways; reduces inflammation and may ease ear aches (see ear oil below). A mullein (or licorice) salve can help alleviate pain and inflammation for various skin conditions (affiliated with this product).
17. Earthley Feel Better Fast (for kids): my favorite herbal tincture immune support for toddlers/kids (alcohol free); contains herbs that activate the immune system, so may agitate immune conditions like eczema, and is may need to avoided if there is an imbalance (affiliated with this product).
18. Des Bio Liposomal Melatonin: I like this melatonin support because the dose is low, and I can micro-dose it for sleep at safe amounts for everyone in the family. Melatonin also has antioxidant/antiviral properties. While this is not my favorite support for sleep (I prefer the flower essences below), I reach for them on tough, uncomfortable sick nights.
19. Bach’s Flower Essences – a few drops diluted in water supports restful sleep. This is a wonderful, safe support for everyone in the family – you can take sips throughout the night to promote sleep.
20. Wise Women Herbals passionflower or any passionflower tincture: passionflower is another option for sleep support while sick. It is especially helpful if there is nervous tension. It has a long history of traditional use as a seditive and sleep aid; not considered addictive like some sleep supports; can be microdosed for children, but always check with your health care provider.
21. HerbPharm Kids Mullein & Garlic Ear Oil: I like to use a couple drops in each ear to ward off possible ear infections when congestion is present, and during active infections.
22. Rosita Cod Liver Oil – food based source of bioavailable vitamin A&D, and EPA & DHA (anti-inflammatory fatty acids). I won’t use both this and the vitamin D drops – I prefer CLO in acute circumstances for the additional vitamin A dose (vitamin A enhances T cell function, promotes antibody production, and supports the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. Discontinue fish oil (if you supplement) while using. Should not be taken in high doses.
23. Subluna Essential Oil Free Breathing Salve: simple, clean, ingredients and essential oil free, so nonirritating. Can be used on everyone (not affiliated with this product).
I also have on hand TONS of homeopathic remedies – but some of my favorites for acute illness are listed below. I am not a trained homeopath but have learned quite a bit these last few years and am sharing here. Each homeopathic remedy recommendation is based on the total presentation/picture of the person and illness, so keen observation is key to successful homeopathic remedy administration, and up to three doses need to be given over a period of several hours to see movement. Sometimes you will see movement (a healing response) with the first dose. I recommend starting to learn as much as you can as you are able!
-Aconite (VERY first sign of an illness, first itch in the nose, first sneeze, etc., OR sudden, high fever accompanied by restlessness, anxiety, and fear, with flushed red face and hot skin, hysterics)
-Pulsatilla (mild fever with lack of thirst, or fever that cycles from high to low; better for open air, stuffy nose with green mucous, and desire for reassurance and comfort)
-Oscilloccoinum (first sign of flu), and Bacillinum prophylactically (2x a month or so)
-Ferrum Phos (early onset/first sign of mild to moderate fever with no other notable symptoms)
-Belladonna (high fever with heat and redness)
-Chamomilla (teething fever, or mild fevers accompanied by restlessness and irritability; hot red face, usually one sided, with coldness on other parts of the body)
-Sulphur (lingering sickness – longer than 2 weeks)
-Aresenicum album (frequent sneezing, watery nasal discharge, feeling of exhaustion, restlessness or anxiety worse at night)
-Phosphoric acid (fatigue after illness)
-Gelsemium (fever that comes on slowly, drowsy fever, accompanied by weakness, fatigue, and lethargy or a heavy feeling in the body; lack of thirst)
-Assorted cell salts (utilization of minerals)
-Mercurious sol (sore throat, near tonsils)
-Eupatorium Perf (“bone crushing”, flu-like pains)
-Nux Vomica (overindulgence, stomach bug, or nausea relief)
-Ipecac (persistent nausea, stomach bug, constant feeling of excessive fullness in stomach, accompanied by a cutting sensation in the stomach or gagging)
I like to keep several potencies on hand (6c, 30c, 200c), but a good starting place is 30c. If you aren’t comfortable with homeopathy or are new, you can always simply reach for Cold Calm (linked in dispensary). This is also a wonderful resource for learning.
Therapeutic foods to incorporate when sick could include garlic, ginger, thyme and rosemary (wonderful as a facial/nasal steam when congested), bone broth, coconut water, citrus fruits, kiwi, and berries. Additionally, purchasing or making your own Fire Cider can be beneficial. I’ll be posting a DIY Fire Cider recipe next week, so stay tuned!
And last but not least, remember, one of the most important aspects to healing is incorporating REST! So take it easy and sleep as much as is possible (as a toddler mom, I know this is easier said than done, but do you’re best!).
You can find all of my favorites listed above right here in my online dispensary, registration code KV3588. A select few are not included in the list, and can be found via the links included in the blog above.
I hope this information is helpful; if so, drop a comment below and let me know what interested you most or something you learned that was new!
Until next time my friend!
*not intended to be personalized healthcare or to replace medical advice*
Supreme Nutrition Supplement Guide
Joette Calabrese’s website and beginner courses
General research compiled in my brain over the years 🙂